• Our writers and editors are always looking for story ideas as well as experts and educators who can be sources for our articles. We especially want to hear how colleges and universities are solving challenges common to higher ed. Here are several ways to get involved with our editorial department:

    Sources for Stories

    Visit our Sources for Stories page to find the story for which we are currently seeking sources. Or contact Executive Editor Lori Capullo or staff writer Alcino Donadel to pitch an idea. We do not publish product/service case studies as editorial but will consider getting in touch with administrators at a particular college or university highlighted in a case study if it’s a fit with a planned article. When sending a story pitch, please do not submit to multiple editors without being transparent about that within the same email.

    Column Submissions

    Review our guidelines for column submissions. Note that we can not guarantee publication of an op-ed at a particular time. Most op-eds appear on our website; a select few also appear in print.


    For more information on custom media/content marketing—including opportunities for providing thought leadership content or having case studies showcased in UB—visit our advertising information page or contact your sales representative. We do not publish product/service case studies as editorial.

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